Saturday, June 25, 2016

Link 4,143

• The Who: Kiki
• The Where: Novato, CA
• The Link: "My grandchildren."

Link 4,142

• The Who: Becky Baran
• The Where: West Hartford, CT
• The Link: "Oh!"

Link 4,141

• The Who: Leslie Kraus
• The Where: Nevada City, CA
• The Link: "Hanging on the wall of the Balcony Room in the Madison House B&B in Nevada City."

Links 4,133 - 4,140

• The Who: Linds
• The Where: Redwood City, CA
• The Link: "Crafting hearts. Thank you, Michaels RWC :)"


• The Where: New York City, NY
• The Link: "A favorite city for hearts <3"


• The Where: Woodside, CA
• The Link: "These 'kimochis' are supposed to help kids identify feelings... We talk about when we're feeling different ones..."


• The Where: Foster City, CA
• The Link: "I had a heart on my plate!"

Link 4,132

• The Who: Laura Balian
• The Where: Carmel, CA
• The Link: "Saw this slate heart along a path in Carmel Valley!"

Link 4,131

• The Who: Jennifer McEnany
• The Where: Boston, MA
• The Link: "I went food shopping with Graeme the other day and put her in the carrier. When I took her out to put her back in the car, she had had a blowout. Because she was in the carrier, not only was it all over her, but it was all over me too. When I took off my shirt, I saw that it stained in a perfect heart! Totally gross, but how could I be mad at her?"

Monday, June 6, 2016

Link 4,130

• The Who: Kendra and Laura
• The Where: Millville, CA
• The Link: #chainlinkheartproject

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Link 4,129

• The Who: Kate C.
• The Where: Florida
• The Link: "Chocolate ice cream heart, by Cora. Date: June 2, 2016."

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Link 4,128

• The Who: Liz Weisman
• The Where: Annandale, VA
• The Link: "If you turn it sideways... not even on purpose, though fitting <3"

Links 4,126 - 4,127

• The Who: Emily in Chile
• The Where: Santiago & Easter Island, Chile
• The Link: "Thinking of you and Ryan and sending you extra love today. One of these is just a 'regular' heart that I saw in Santiago, but the other is from Anakena. I wanted to send it to you today since I know how much you love Easter Island. šŸ’™"

Link 4,125

• The Who: Kiki
• The Where: Novato, CA
• The Link: "I remember the day. I remember your loss. I remember Lorenzo. Thinking of you. Love, Kiki."

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Links 4,113 - 4,124

• The Who: Brian Jones
• The Where: San Francisco, CA
• The Link: "It's been a minute since I'd sent a bundle of hearts your way but that doesn't mean that I don't still see them everywhere all the time or that I've stopped thinking about Lorenzo or your family. That said, time to clean out a little backlog. I came across a few this past weekend at Fort Funston..."

• The Link: "One from the Haight..."

• The Link: "I usually just look for hearts organically but sometimes you just need to pressure wash your own..."

• The Link: "A sidewalk mosaic in the Mission..."


• The Where: Fort Bragg, CA
• The Who: "From Glass Beach in Fort Bragg..."


• The Where: Bolinas, CA
• The Link: "On the beach in Bolinas..."

• The Link: "At a friend's home in Bo..."


• The Where: Oakland, CA
• The Link: "Storefront in Oakland..."


• The Where: San Francisco, CA

• The Link: "And finally, a heart in the rock at Sutro Baths..."

Link 4,112

• The Who: Rachel Massoni
• The Where: Brooklyn, NY
• The Link: #chainlinkheartproject

Links 4,103 - 4,111

• The Who: Ryan & H.
• The Where: Home
• The Link: "Happy Valentine's Day!"


• The Who: Lindsay Schauer
• The Where: San Francisco, CA
• The Link: "Happy Birthday Jenn!"


• The Who: Ginger Arguello
• The Where: Belmont, CA
• The Link: "Happy Birthday Beautiful Cousin!"


• The Who: H, V, and Ryan
• The Where: Home
• The Link: "Dear Mom, We love you so much! We are the luckiest ever!"


• The Who: Kiki
• The Where: Novato, CA
• The Link: "Happy Mother's Day to H's and V's most wonderful and special Mom! You are loved! I know Lorenzo is with his mother every step of her way <3"


• The Who: Mama
• The Where: Portola Valley, CA
• The Link: #chainlinkheartproject