• The Who:
Brian Jones
• The Where: Bolinas, CA
• The Link: "How do I spend a beautiful Sunday in Bolinas? Hunting for hearts, of course! In Bo, that's not a terribly tough task as hearts are kind of a town 'mascot'... First stop was Gilly Flowers, where my first find was right by the front door."
• The Link: "I then found a table full of heart-shaped rocks..."
• The Link: "Searching further, there was a shiny glass heart in a planter..."
• The Link: "And then a lily pad heart..."
• The Link: "Once downtown, I first came across this heart in the window of Bobolicious..."
• The Link: "This is one of several from inside the Free Box..."
• The Link: "Which was next to this apple/heart on the sign for the People's Store..."
• The Link: "There's also this one that I found in the Bolinas Museum, as part of an exhibition on Panamanian textiles."
• The Links: "Then I hit the motherlode at the Kaleidoscope gift shop! There were so many, I didn't even collect them all."
• The Link: "After heart overload at Kaleidoscope, I found this antique porcelain heart at the Grand Hotel consignment shop."
• The Link: "This one was peaking through the hedges on Brighton Ave."
• The Link: "And a block away from home, I found this little heart-shaped bell on a girl's bike on the side of the road. A productive Sunday, me thinks!" <3