• The Who:
Brian Jones
• The Where: San Francisco, CA
• The Link: "Wandering around the City with
Charity on Thursday started off slowly but before we knew it, an avalanche of hearts started piling up. We found this first one at Building Resources on an old bell..."
• The Link: "From there we headed to Scrap where they were seemingly everywhere in the overflowing shelves of, well, scraps. These first two were on the gates outside..."
• The Link: "Inside were a bunch more..."
• The Link: "My favorite was on this vintage Alice in Wonderland paper doll set..."
• The Link: "On top of Twin Peaks, a car had this Mickey Mouse sun shade in its window..."
• The Link: "Walking towards the Mission, we found a handful while looking down..."
• The Link: "And a pair while looking up..."
• The Link: "Ambling along 24th Street, we could scarcely take ten steps without finding another heart..."
• The Link: "Walking home after the Mission bounty, we found a couple more hearts on the backs of cars..."