Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Links 3,747 - 3,749

• The Who: My name is Jama Colegrove, and I live in New England, USA.
• The Where: I took these pictures while on vacation on the Isle of Lewis, in Scotland, in 2013. I was taking a walk along the green, hilly, rocky coast one day, and I found all three of these hearts on the same beach.
• The Link: "I recently read a reflection you wrote that was published in a magazine. I was touched by your words and since I've also been 'collecting hearts' for many years, I thought I would submit these... Whenever I spot a heart, I feel God's heart calling to me and whispering "I know all about your pain, I haven't forgotten you, and I never will." Finding three on one beach seems more than coincidence. Thank you for starting this project. May it encourage and comfort people all over the world."

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