Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Links 3,560 - 3,562

• The Who: Eliza Gano
• The Where: Los Angeles, CA
• The Link: "Stair of hearts. I saw these hearts during a morning stroll through a neighborhood in LA. I loved the idea that with every step, whether going up or down, should be filled with love."


• The Where: Long Beach, CA
• The Link: "I took this photo outside of a salon where I just got a hair cut. The hair cut was the first one I had in a long time, going from long to short hair, and signaling a change in my outlook. Seeing the heart reminded me that no matter what kind of evolution / change I was going through, it wouldn't mean much if my heart wasn't in it. So, a reminder that true change comes from the heart."


• The Where: Seal Beach, CA
• The Link: "I was waiting for the sunset on Seal Beach and saw this heart made of seaweeds. I loved the idea that you can create love out of simple things—even things that are found right in front of you."

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