Saturday, September 14, 2013

Links 1,788 - 1,792

• The Who: Jill A.
• The Where: Central Coast, CA
• The Link: "Been too long since I sent you some hearts (links). Matteo's <3 just for you. He titled it 'beating heart.' Hugs!!!"

• The Link: "Halloween glitter skeleton with heart-shaped nose."

• The Link: "Massive ball of charms with lots of hearts!"

• The Link: "Love note to Marcello."

• The Link: "'Love is...' My Grandma used to send me a few of these comics each time she wrote me. During my time in South America we became pen pals and friends... I will treasure the thousand or so letters we exchanged over the years. She saved every single letter, not, card—I EVER wrote her. I saved all the comic 'love is' clippings. So special..."

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